Dear players, League of Angels III update V3.14.0 has arrived with lots of awesome new features and improvements(Castle Raiders and Hero Empower and one bug fix). The servers will disconnect to carry out the update at around 07:40 A.M. December 19th (EST). Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Check below for more details.
Update Time: December 19th
New Version: V3.14.0
Estimated Update Time (server time):
PST Servers: 04:40 A.M. December 19th
EST Servers: 07:40 A.M. December 19th
EU Servers: 01:40 P.M. December 19th
HKT Servers: 08:40 P.M. December 19th
New Features:
1. Talent Bonus
Talent Bonus is added for heroes and main character to increase their battle rating.
2. Castle Raiders
The brand new Castle Raiders game mode includes new features such as Lucky Chest, Almanac and Inner Demon Challenge.
3. Hero Empower
Holy Crystal was added to replace Legendary Souls for Hero Empower. We also increased Hero Empower attributes by a large amount and strengthened the Level 4&8 Empower skills of Abaddon, Aurora and Huxley.
New Divine Arma:
Shadowfrost is the Divine Arma that is guarded by Isolde.
New Event:
New Year Countdown Event
The event will start on Dec. 22th. Login every day to claim large amounts of diamonds on Jan.1st.
1. Optimized the UI of Mystic Domain, Divine Arma and Hero Empower.
2. Displayed the drop rate of items on icons in Stage.
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed the imbalance of Rec. BR and real BR for monsters in Elite Tree of Origin.
2. Fixed a bug for one of Johanna's skills.
3. Fixed an issue where players cannot skip to the correct stage in Progression.