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Come get the First Legendary+ Heal Companion Wood Nymph

Jun 11, 2019


New Legendary+ Heal Companion Wood Nymph is waiting to join your team! Wood Nymph will bring your over 25K BR! From June 12 to June 14, new Legendary+ Heal Companion Wood Nymph will be available in Cracker Crusher Event where all players have a great chance to unlock Wood Nymph.

Event time: June 12 to June 14

Entrance: Cracker Crusher

>>Legendary+ Heal Companion Wood Nymph


Parasitic vines in the hometown of the carefree and bright fairies. Wood Nymph has parasitic ability, but also takes the initiative to protect the original host. Wood Nymph was parasitic on the spirit of all things and gradually merges with the original host. Wood Nymph finally has its life under the influence of the Devastation of Azjora.

>>Cracker Crusher Event

1.Finish some daily tasks and you can get Hammers, use Diamonds or Topza to break up lucky eggs. Players can win X-server lucky points to increase ranks in the X-Server Cracker Crusher Event Rank. After meeting some certain requirements, you can win Wood Nymph shards.

2.Hitting eggs, you can win Event points that could be consumed in Event shop and you can claim Wood Nymph shards when you reach certain points.

3.After hitting eggs, players can win rewards like Companion shards and Companion cultivation resources.

4.Meet some Companions advanced refine requirements, players can claim rich rewards like Diamonds and Companion resources.

BTW, login for 3 days, you can get Hammers and Companions resources for FREE. Come and join us to get the First Legendary+ Heal Companion Wood Nymph! Tons of Companion shards, Companion resources and Diamonds are waiting for you! Don’t miss this chance to increase your BR!


Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game.

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